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Learning without Limits Academy Trust

Home Learning 

At the Lancaster Academy we firmly believe that home learning enhances student learning, improves achievement and can develop effective study skills, time-management and independence. As such, it is an integral part of the curriculum.

Students of all abilities at The Lancaster Academy will be given equal opportunities to access, complete and receive feedback on work set to complete at home, thus enabling each individual to achieve their personal best. To support your child in completing their home learning, study club is available every week running from 3.15 to 4.15 pm. See extra-curricular activities for more information. A member of staff is on hand to support students and provide a quiet, purposeful space in which to complete their home learning.

Homework Timetable


  • These homework timetables state the day homework is set by the classroom teacher and displayed using Satchel One. Students will need to manage their time appropriately to ensure all homework deadlines are met.
  • Split classes (classes with more than one subject teacher) may need to negotiate alternative days to set their homework.
  • Although homework is important, to also maintain a reasonable work-life balance, it is NOT expected that students will spend more than the times stated below on homework.
    Year Maximum time spent on homework daily
    7 & 8 45 - 90 minutes 
    9 1 - 2 hours
    10 & 11

    1.5 - 2.5 hours


lancaster homework timetable 2023.pdf

 Satchel One

Further support is found on Satchel One (formerly known as Show My Homework), an online tool which we use to set home learning. This online calendar will allow you to keep track of student’s home learning by seeing the details of the tasks students have been set. You will be provided with login details to your personal account, ready-linked to your child’s home learning calendar.

 Visit Satchel One 

  • 24/7 access
  • View quality and quantity of homework
  • Translation into over 50 languages
  • Free apps available for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, and Android devices
  • Receive automated notifications before homework is due

Problems logging on?

If you have any issues logging into Satchel One, or any other of the learning platforms, please email your full name and describe the issue to PasswordResets@lancaster.leicester.sch.uk.

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