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Lancaster Academy

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Learning without Limits Academy Trust

Yr 6 Transition and New Arrivals

If you would like a tour of the school please contact the Academy on: (0116) 270 3176 and ask for Debbie Lockington.

Welcome to Lancaster Academy!

Hello, I would like to welcome you to Lancaster Academy. My name is Mrs. Fisher and I am very proud to be the Principal. My role here is to make sure that you are safe, happy and successful. I am really looking forward to meeting you. Until I do, I wish you and your family the very best of wishes.

- Mrs. Fisher, Principal

Transition resources for students

Transition support

You have been offered a place at Lancaster Academy... what happens next?

Please see below for support and forms that need to be completed prior to the start of the new term. 

Year 6

  • Every Year 6 student will be coming to Lancaster Academy as part of the Transition Day happening across the city - your child's primary school will notify you about arrangements for this. 

New Arrivals

  • For students joining us part way through the year, please familiarise yourself with the information on this page. Please see the contact details below and get in touch with us if you have any questions.


Admission documents

Bus routes to the school

Further transition support


Academy Uniform Guide

lancaster academy uniform leaflet.pdf

Uniform Direct

Parents are asked to help by coming to the store early, ideally in May and June and definitely before August 7th.  Parents are requested to come prepared, measuring their child at home and bringing those measurements with them along with their shopping list.

  • If you would like a call to advise on sizes, delivery times, general uniform advice email initially to: customerservices@uniform-direct.com. Remember to include your name, telephone number and school.
  • If you don’t have access to the internet we can take telephone orders on 01522 568865 (above information required please).

Or alternatively, you can buy direct from Lancaster Academy between 9am and 3pm weekdays.

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