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Learning without Limits Academy Trust

Year 10 Ready Day


Getting a taste for it!

It’s all in the title, I tell you. Sorry, the pun aside, today’s Ready day for our year 10 was all about taster workshops – the purpose being to give our students a little insight into a range of professions, pathways and possibilities.

With workshops covering the uniformed services, such as the police and the RAF, to the world of engineering with the Nylacast team, to getting a better understanding about the differences between employment and being self-employed from Rosie at the LLEP, our students got fully involved with all of the activities our visitors presented to them.

After experiencing such an inspirational morning, our students were then able to reflect on their aspirations by putting their personal statements together in readiness for their college/apprenticeship applications in the Autumn term.

Written by Ms Hurst, Careers Co-ordinator

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