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Learning without Limits Academy Trust

Year 10 READY Day Trips

Warwick Castle

Some of our yr10 students attended an enjoyable trip to Warwick Castle where they took part in a KS4 Normans workshop and looked at the career of leading workshops and providing education and an enjoyable experience to visitors. Students also had the opportunity to look at careers in wildlife during the bird show. In addition to this students explored design & architecture when climbing the towers at Warwick Castle to look at how they were designed and what roles architects would play whilst critically looking at the effectiveness of the planning for defence. Students also had the opportunity to visit the various castle rooms taking in the grandeur of the castle and looking at why rooms were layed out in the manner they were liking in with the role of interior designers. Students thoroughly enjoyed the enriching experience in which they looked at the Historical side of Castles as well as the different types of employment roles available embedding the schools READY values.

Loughborough College

Today some of our Year 10 students were given an insight in college life through the sports faculty at Loughborough College. Students took part in fitness testing, a range of team building activities and also had a chance to experience E Sports on some very expensive stimulator computers. Students were also given a lecture on how Sports Psychology is used in elite sports to help competitors train and improve. Overall it was an excellent opportunity and experience for our students to help them explore their future aspiration and get them Ready for the Future.

Morningside Arena

Year 10 students of Lancaster had the opportunity to go and visit a Morningside Arena where Leicester Riders play basketball and also experience a day of how sports and business play a vital role in our society.

They experienced a day that included using their communications skill talking to professionals in a business environment the power of sports through positive role modelling. They also had opportunity to work in a team collaborating their ideas on a basketball court. Students then had to use their leadership skills to develop their understanding of how Leicester Riders is not just about basketball.

Students had to develop their understanding on how customers are enticed and persuaded from all over the country to come and watch a professional team demonstrate their dedication and aspirations to become successfully. Also focusing on how marketing and advertising plays a vital role in this success.

Print Workshop

Students demonstrated excellent communication through creative sample work and an experience of a professional print studio that has artists in residents and provided opportunities for graduates. Year 10 demonstrated outstanding READY values as a result of the opportunity thrived from this experience and many were very passionate about the design industry. They were very respectful to the artists at the end giving good feedback and showing gratitude.

The fashion and interiors industry through the talk and the practical experience of printing making links to the fashion design industries, printing can also be applied to graphic design and prints for the automotive industry and cards and gift wrap and more.

Written by Mrs Walsh, Assistant Principal

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