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Learning without Limits Academy Trust

Religious Studies

Members of Staff

  • Mr. R. Afzal – Head of Humanities and Teacher of Religious Studies
  • Mr. J. Boyd: Subject Lead of Religious Studies
  • Ms. A. Gani: Teacher of Religious Studies
  • Mrs. A. Patel: Teacher of Religious Studies
  • Ms. A. Warren: Teacher of Humanities

Subject Overview

Religious Studies at Lancaster seeks to make a major contribution to the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of pupils by helping them to acquire knowledge and understanding of the principal religions within the United Kingdom and particularly within Leicester, as a vibrant and multi-cultural city.

We aim to help pupils become aware of the diversity of belief and practice within and between faiths and to appreciate the many similarities between them. Our aim is also to help pupils understand the continuing influence and impact of religious beliefs, values and traditions on individuals, communities and cultures. One of our methods is to encourage the use of philosophical thinking, questioning and reasoning as this helps pupils to develop an understanding of approaches to ultimate questions and religious and non-religious responses to them. This skill is then built upon to enable older pupils to consider different approaches and responses to religious and moral issues and to develop their own reasoned and informed views about these.

The Religious Studies department does not seek to convert pupils to a particular religious viewpoint or tradition, compromise pupils’ integrity by promoting the view of any one religion as superior to others, nor simply convey information about religions.

Religious Studies at KS3 

Students are entitles to 4 hours per week of Humanities. This is split into Geography, History and Religious Studies and students will study each subject on a rotational system.

Pupils will be taught in mixed ability classes in year 7 and 8.

The course content for Religious Studies in KS3 in each year is being developed at present. Below are examples of topics that will be studied:

Half-term 1 Half-term 2 Half-term 3 Half-term 4 Half-term 5

Half-term 6

Year 7


What do people believe?

An introduction to key beliefs and Religious Studies


Who is God?

A comparative analysis of God within Faith.

Focussing on Who is God? Where is God? What is God? Why people believe in God?



An analysis of Sacred texts from all religions.

Focus on the nature of texts and their purpose.

What are the key messages? (comparative)


Founders of Faith:

A focus on the founders of the 6 major World Faiths:

Abraham, Jesus, Muhammad(pbuh), The Buddha, Guru Nanak. Hinduism to be represented using the examples of Krishna and Rama as key figures in the formation of the religion.



Rites of Passage (belonging)

A focus on Birth, Life and Death.

Naming rituals and the end of life with a focus on the Afterlife.

Year 8


Places of Worship:

Focus on Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism.

What is the place of the POW within the community? (Purpose)

What is the importance of POWs?

How important is the design? (Cultural Capital – identity)


Pilgrimage and Festivals:

Focus on Pilgrimage in Christianity, Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism. Where? Why? What?

Focus on Festivals will be linked to Pilgrimage.


Contemporary Life Issues:

A comparative study of religious issues and attitudes.

A focus on Human Rights, Gender equality, Racism, LGBTQ


Religion and Media:

A critical analysis of the portrayal of faith in the media.

A focus on Extremism/Radicalisation, Media Views, Religious conflict.


Alternative Religions and Philosophies:

A focus on alternative religions to the 6 Main World Faiths. (Jainism, Jedism, Taoism)

Humanism and Atheism as life stances.

Philosophers progression into next unit.


Ultimate questions and spirituality:

A focus on difficult questions such as Why are we here? Do we actually exist? Is God real? Is any of this really important?

What happens when we die? Focussing on the Afterlife linking back to year 7.

 Religious Studies at KS4

From year 9 onwards, we follow the GCSE course 'Religious Studies' with the examination board Equqas.

The course is split into 3 main sections which will be covered across 3 years.

In component 1, we will study 4 issues from the perspective of Christianity and Islam, with a focus on world views too (including Humanism). There is an opportunity for students to answer questions from the perspective of their own faith, but due to the limited amount of time available we will focus on the same 2 religions throughout the course.

There is no coursework for this qualification. it is a linear qualification and all assessments must be taken at the end of the course.

Route (A)

Component (1) - Religious Studies in the Modern World - 50%

  • 2 hour examination
  • Theme 1: Relationships
  • Theme 2: Life and Death
  • Theme 3: Good and Evil
  • Theme 4: Human Rights

Component (2) - Study of Christianity - 25%

The compulsory nature of this component ensures that learners know and understand the fact that the religious traditions of Great Britain are, in the main, Christian.

  • 1 hour examination 
  • Beliefs and Teachings
    • The Nature of God
    • Creation
    • Jesus Christ
    • Salvation
    • The Afterlife
  • Practices
    • Forms of Worship
    • Sacraments
    • Pilgrimage and Celebrations
    • The Church in the Local Community
    • The Worldwide Church

Component (3) - Study of Islam - 25%

All students will study Option 3: Islam. In this section, there is a focus on Religious Lifestyles, Beliefs and Practices.

  • 1 hour examination 
  • Beliefs and Teachings
    • The Nature of Allah
    • Creation
    • The Prophet Muhammad PBUH
    • Risalah (Prophethood)
    • The 5 Pillars of Sunni Islam
    • The Akhirah (Afterlife)
    • Malaikah (Angels)
  • Practices
    • Islam in the World
    • Islam in Britain
    • The Umah (Community)
    • The Ten Obligatory Acts of Shi'a Islam
    • Hajj
    • Festivals


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