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Learning without Limits Academy Trust

Year 8 READY Day!

Interior Design

Year 8s today took part in the interior design challenge. They made models for a new office space/careers hub from scratch including the electronics! Thank you Blueprint Interiors for coming in & helping with their designs.

Journalist for a day

Some Year 8 students had the opportunity today to script & record their own podcasts, as part of ‘I want to be a Journalist day’. They researched areas of the industry, then chose a topic to create a short podcast on.

Scientist for a day

As part of the day of learning about biodiversity, Year 8 students participated in a 1-hour interactive workshop in which an external speaker brought live animals to raise awareness of biodiversity and issues surrounding it and leaving students in awe and wonder.
Students became more aware of the importance of creepy crawlies in biodiversity after carrying out a tour of the wildlife garden and analysing some pond samples from the pond. The students demonstrated Employability skills during the READY day by participating in a Bug hotel challenge.
After making their bug hotels, they presented them and answered questions from the panel.
The Year 8 students who participated today should be proud of what they have accomplished. 

Written by Mrs Walsh, Assistant Principal

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