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Learning without Limits Academy Trust

Year 11 READY Day!

READY day for Y11s – how do I approach the job selection process?

For our year 11s today, it was about broadening their education into what processes can be involved when applying for employment, training and further studies.

Students reflected on their recent performance in the mock interview process, but we also took this opportunity to expand their awareness on what application selection methods are out there beyond the interview format.

Competition was high, both as teams and as individuals, as they completed a round of manual dexterity tasks, hand-eye co-ordination tests as well as psychometric assessments and problem solving questions.

There was an air of positivity and purpose amongst the students as they grappled with the range of activities set for them. They engaged in a mature manner with the content of the day and have benefited from seeing what additional aspects there are as part of preparation for their future world of education and employment.

We wish our year 11 students well with their future endeavours. 

Written by Ms Hurst, Careers Co-ordinator

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